Academic Resources in the University
The School of Graduate Studies offers a number of academic services for graduate students including academic writing and speaking assistance, building your graduate community and professional skills development sessions, among others.
The library system is one of the top-ranked academic libraries in North America and offers unparalleled resources to graduate students at the University of Toronto. Students conducting research with human participants will need to work with the Office of Research Ethics; the office presents annual workshops for students planning ethics protocols.
Supports for Student Well being and Safety
Students can access wellness services sponsored by The School of Graduate Studies that have the needs of graduate students in mind as well as supports available to all students. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the services at your disposal. Some of the services that our students find useful include health and mental health resources (accepting either OHIP or UHIP coverage), wellness workshops, and the Centre for International Experience.
The university has a number of resources to help safeguard student safety and provide support for people who need help. Please familiarize with all of the services available through the campus safety offices.
Graduate Office Support
The Department of Sociology seeks to provide a positive and supportive environment, as well as productive relationships throughout your academic life at the department. There are many different people both within the Department and in the University community who can provide guidance and advice. We encourage you to reach out to members of the Department’s Graduate office with any questions or concerns, and they can also help direct you to appropriate resources as necessary.
Members of our graduate office can be reached as follows:
Graduate Program Administration
- Elysha Daya
Graduate Administrator - David Pettinicchio
Associate Chair, Tri-Campus Graduate Department - Melissa Milkie
Professor; Chair, Tri-Campus Graduate Department - Jeremy Nichols
Graduate Office Assistant
Beyond the Department’s graduate office, the University provides a wide range of supports, including options for confidential discussions. These are as follows: