William Magee

William Magee

First Name: 
Last Name: 
Associate Professor, Available for Supervising Graduate Students
Office Location : 
17154 - 700 University Ave, 17th floor
Personal Website: 

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Areas of Interest: 
  • Ill-being & well-being (by this I mean everything from subjective wellbeing to mental illness to common emotions). I’m especially interested in forms of ill-being & well-being that have been framed in terms of morality, or that have moral implications. How do qualities of these forms of being, and patterns of their distribution, change over time? How are they associated with power, status, interpersonal and material practices?  How should sociologists develop theory related to these types of issues and questions. How can research in this area move theory and understanding forward?
Other Website: 
DiscoverResearch Profile: 