Sociology Graduate Student Writing Community of Practice Meetings
When and Where
The Sociology Graduate Student Writing Community of Practice: Friday, Sept. 30 from 2 to 4 pm in Rm 240.
All Sociology graduate students are invited to participate. Refreshments will be available! RSVP:
The plan is to meet seven times in the academic year, once a month, with each meeting focused on a practical task in which peer feedback is provided along with a group discussion. Each session will begin with a Quick Tip led by Sherri Klassen and/or Suzanne Jaeger. Although each meeting will be engaged in a specific practical task, underlying the quick tip discussions is a consideration of how the expected audience for one’s writing has implications for style, organization, and structure.
The goal of this years’ Community of Practice sessions is to develop a range of writing skills, stylistic approaches, and organizational strategies which are purposefully used depending on the anticipated audience and the writers’ ultimate objectives for the document they are creating.
The focus of the first meeting on Sept. 30: Writing an introduction and the different approaches which can be taken depending on whether writing a grant proposal, a dissertation proposal, or an article for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Participants should bring to the session a one-page introduction either for a grant application, a dissertation proposal, or an article they are writing for publication.
Here are all the meeting dates for this year: (All meetings will be in FE 240).
Friday, Sept. 30, 2 – 4 pm (refreshments provided)
Friday, Oct 28; and Friday, Nov 25; Both dates Noon to 2 pm (lunch provided at 11:30)
Monday, Jan. 30; Monday, Feb 27; Monday March 27; Monday, April 24: All four dates: Noon to 2 pm (lunch provided at 11:30)