PhD graduate Kat Kolar on the Legal Regulation of Sex Work

January 23, 2019 by Nico Golinski

PhD graduate Kat Kolar, in collaboration with Bill McCarthy (UC Davis), Cecelia Benoit (UVic), and Mikael Jansson (UVic), published an article in the Annual Review of Law and Social Science. The article explores the legal strategies used to regulate sexual services in various contexts. The authors argue there is a need for a better understanding of the consequences of these strategies.

Kat Kolar obtained her PhD in Sociology from the University of Toronto in 2018. Her dissertation is titled Differentiating the Drug Normalization Framework: A Mixed Methods Investigation of Substance Use among Undergraduate Students in Canada. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at UBC researching the social integration of substance use and health inequities impacting people who use illicit drugs.

We have posted the citation and abstract from the article below. The full text is available from Research Gate here.

McCarthy, Bill, Cecelia Benoit, Mikael Jansson, and Kat Kolar. 2012. "Regulating Sex Work: Heterogeneity in Legal Strategies." Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 8(1):255-271.

In this article, we examine various legal strategies used to regulate the sale and purchase of sexual services. We use three broad categories to structure our discussion: full criminalization, partial decriminalization, and full decriminalization. In each section, we discuss laws directed toward the control of sellers, buyers, and third parties. We focus on legislation and practices at the highest level of aggregation (i.e., the national, state, or provincial level), and due to limited data, we concentrate on high-income countries. We present a critical assessment of each legal approach and conclude with a call for future research on the consequences of different legal strategies for sellers, buyers, and third parties.

Read the full article here.
