Professor Anna Korteweg on View to the U - her work, research stories, and inspiration

February 11, 2021 by Kendra Smith

Professor Anna Korteweg appeared on the University of Toronto Mississauga research podcast View to the U to speak about her current work, research stories, and what inspires her. In the podcast she reviewed some of the general research questions found throughout her work. Some of these question include how the labelling of immigrants by national policies and cultural discourses in the country they migrate to shapes their sense of belonging, how ideas about Muslim women become activated during debates around citizenship, and how the ongoing and evolving representations and understandings around women wearing headscarves has developed over time in certain environments. Professor Korteweg recalled some standout memories and stories from her career that shaped the direction of her work, both during the research process and her everyday life. She also spoke at length about one of her hobbies-turned-passion, knitting, which she has found to provide inspiration while she has grown in her skills as a knitter and a researcher.

When asked about how COVID-19 has impacted her work, Professor Korteweg reflected on how similar her current working conditions have been to her work prior to the pandemic, though noted that she and some colleagues sought support from one another in the form of dedicated group writing sessions. She's found the regular, dedicated time to writing alongside others doing the same has improved hers and her colleagues' focus, and this solution has helped them stay productive throughout the pandemic.

Professor Anna Korteweg is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Toronto, with teaching responsibilities at the U of T Mississauga campus. She teaches courses in the sociology of gender, qualitative methods, and citizenship and immigration. Her research explores the interconnections between gender, ethnicity, immigration, citizenship, policy, and culture in Canadian and European contexts.

Listen to the whole podcast here.
