Research by Dr. Matthew Parbst to Feature Across Multiple Platforms of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior

July 5, 2023 by Vansh Singh Ruhela

The University of Toronto's Sociology Department announces that PhD Graduate, Matthew Parbst, in collaboration with Professor Blair Wheaton, has produced a noteworthy study on the effect of welfare state policy spending on the equalization of socio-economic status (SES) disparities in mental health. The research is set for publication in the September 2023 issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior (JHSB).

Journal of Health and Social Behavior is a medical sociology journal that publishes empirical and theoretical articles that apply sociological concepts and methods to the understanding of health and illness and the organization of medicine and health care. Its editorial policy favors manuscripts that are grounded in important theoretical issues in medical sociology or the sociology of mental health and that advance theoretical understanding of the processes by which social factors and human health are interrelated.

Recognizing the study's potential for real-world impact, the JHSB editors have selected the article for a wider showcase. Alongside the standard publication, the research will also be distilled into a policy brief. The JHSB Policy Brief series seeks to translate complex academic findings into concise, digestible content suitable for policymakers, media outlets, and the general public as well as bridge the gap between academic research and real-world policy relevance. Dr. Parbst and Professor Wheaton will be collaborating with the JHSB editorial team to create a brief that illustrates their study's policy implications, thereby extending its reach beyond the academic sphere. This policy brief, along with highlights from the study, will be widely shared via Sage Publications, the American Sociological Association's website, and various social media channels. It aims to generate increased interest in the study's findings from media and cross-disciplinary researchers. Additionally, the JHSB Podcast will feature a discussion of Dr. Parbst's research, further extending the study's reach. These podcasts serve to disseminate key research findings to both academic and non-academic audiences, enhancing the visibility and impact of groundbreaking studies. A link to the podcast will be made available on the journal's website and promoted on social media platforms.

The University of Toronto's Sociology Department acknowledges the strides made by its scholars in research. The multiple features secured by Dr. Parbst's work in JHSB indicate its potential influence in real-world policy-making. We extend our warm congratulations to Dr. Parbst on this milestone achievement.