This year, 71 faculty members graduate students from Sociology at the University of Toronto are participating in the Annual Meeting of the American Sociology Association in New York City. In addition to the people presenting papers, a number of our community are also participating as session organizers, discussants or journal editorial panel members. The meetings happen between August 10th and August 13th. We have listed the papers we're presenting below by the day of the presentation, with student and recent grad presenters shown in italics. Please refer to the ASA Program for complete information.
Saturday, August 10th
Ellen Berrey, U.S. Universities’ Responses to Hate Speech Incidents and Free Speech Politics and the Implications for Inclusion Policy
Yvonne Daoleuxay, The Most Canadian Neighborhood Ever: Social Disciplining and Driving in the Greater Toronto Area
Ethan Fosse and Jason Settels, Population-Level Variability of Happiness Trends in the United States
Chris Kohut, Unanticipated Gains in Homeless Shelters: A Study Examining the Social Networks of the Homeless Population
Ron Levi (with Holly Campeau of U of Alberta and Todd Foglesong of U of T, Munk School), Legality, Recognition, and the Bind of Legal Cynicism: Experiences of Policing During an Unsettled Time
Matthew Parbst, Gender Equality, Family Policy and the Convergence of the Gender Gap in Depression
Kristin Plys, Politics and Poetics in Lahore’s Pak Tea House during the Zia Military Dictatorship (1977-1988)
Markus Schafer (with Matthew Andersson of Baylor University), Looking Homeward with the Life Course: Early Origins of Adulthood Dwelling Satisfaction?
Sunday, August 11th
Philip Badawy and Scott Schieman, When Family Calls: How Gender, Money, and Care Shape the Family Contact and Family-to-Work Conflict Relationship
Irene Boeckman, Work-Family Policies and Working Hours’ Differences Within Couples After Childbirth
Lei Chai and Scott Schieman (with Alex Bierman of U of Calgary) Financial Strain and Psychological Distress: The Mediating Effect of Work-Family Interface
Clayton Childress, Shyon Baumann, Jean-Francois Nault (and Craig M. Rowlings from Duke University), From Omnivore to Snob: The Social Positions of Taste Between and Within Music Genres
Ethan Fosse (with Fabian T. Pfesser of U of Michigan), Bounding Analyses of Mobility Effects
Susila Gurusami, Carceral Complicities: Holding Institutions of Higher Education Accountable for Our Carceral Crises
Julia Ingenfeld, Parents’ Division of Housework and Mothers’ Labor Force Participation: Result of Selection and Assortative Mating?
Jonathan Kauenhowen, Framing Indigeneity: A comparative analysis of Indigenous representation in mainstream and Indigenous newspapers
Yangsook Kim, Doing Care Work in Korea Town: Korean In-Home Supportive Service Workers in Los Angeles
Kim de Laat, De-stigmatizing flexible work arrangements: The promises and pitfalls of buy-in from ideal working fathers
Chang Zhe Lin, Social Capital, Islam, and Labor Force Outcomes: Explaining Labor Force Outcomes among Muslim Immigrants in France
Martin Lukk, Fracturing the Imagined Community: Income Inequality and Ethno-nationalism in Affluent Democracies
David Pettinicchio and Jordan Foster, A Model Who Looks Like Me: Representing Disability in the Fashion Industry
Ashley Rubin, Target Populations or Caught in the Net: How Race and Gender have Structured Prison Reform Efforts Throughout American History and What it Means for Reforming Mass Incarceration
Ioana Sendroiu, Imagination, from Futures to Failures
Sarah Shah, Gendering Religious Reflexivity in Minority Groups: The Case of Pakistani Canadian Muslims
Michelle Pannor Silver, Embodiment and Athletic Identity
Lawrence Williams, How Career Identity Shapes the Meaning of Work for Referred Employees
Dana Wray, The Causal Effect of Paternity Leave on Fathers' Responsibility for Children
Monday, August 12th
Katelin Albert, “The decision was made for me. I'm okay with that”: HPV Vaccine and Adolescent Girls’ Selves
Monica Boyd and Shawn Perron, The Vietnamese Boat People in Canada: 30 Years Later
Gordon Brett, The Embodied Dimensions of Creativity
Soli Dubash, "My House Is Your House": Genre Conventions, Myspace Musicians, and Music Genre Self-Identification
M. Omar Faruque, Privatizing Nature: Resource Development and Nationalist Imaginaries in Bangladesh
Fernando A. Calderon Figueroa,Trust thy Neighbour, but Leave Up the Hedges: Trust in the Urban Scene
Vanina Leschziner, The Specter of Schemas: Uncovering the Meanings and Uses of "Schemas" in Sociology
Patricia Louie, Race, Skin Tone and Health Inequality in the U.S.
Neda Maghbouleh, Anti-Muslim Racism and the 'MENA' Box: Expulsions and Escapes from Whiteness
Gabriel Menard, Latent Framing Opportunities for Movements and Counter-movements: The US Network Neutrality Debate, 2005-2015
Sebastien Parker, ‘Both roads lead to Rome’: Pathways towards commitment in a far-right organization
Kim Pernell, Imprinting a Risky Logic: Graduate Business Education and Bank Risk-Taking
Sagi Ramaj, The Homeownership Attainment of LGB Immigrants: The Role of Social Relationships
Jeffrey Reitz (with Emily Laxer of York U and Patrick Simon of INED), National immigration ‘models,’ social welfare regimes, and Muslims’ economic incorporation in France and Canada
Ioana Sendroiu and Andreea Mogosanu, Stigma spillover and beyond: Resistance, appropriation, and counter-narratives in stigmatized consumption
Tahseen Shams, The Precariousness of South Asian Muslim Americans: Geopolitics, Islamophobia, and the Model Minority Myth
Lance Stewart, The Judgment of Objects: The Constitution of Affordances through the Perceptual Judgment of Digital Media
Laura Upenieks, Reassembling the Radius: Trust and Marginality across East-Central Europe
Tuesday, August 13th
Milos Brocic, Higher Education and the Development of Moral Foundations
Jerry Flores (with Janelle Hawes of U Washington-Tacoma and Kati Barahona-Lopes of UC, Santa Cruz), What are the challenges of girls in involved in the foster care and juvenile justice system?
Ethan Fosse (with Christopher Winship of Harvard University), Bias Formulas for Mechanism-Based Models: A General Strategy for Estimating Age-Period-Cohort Effects
Angelina Grigoryeva, An Organizational Approach to Financial Risk-Taking: The Role of Firm Compensation Plans
Cinthya J. Guzman, Rethinking Boredom in (Inter)action
Andrew Nevin, Cyber-Psychopathy Revisited: An Alternative Framework for Explaining Online Deviance
Laila Omar, “What would my future be?”: Conceptualization of the “future” among Syrian newcomer mothers in Canada
Natalia Otto, The violent art of making do: Gendered narratives of criminalized girls in Southern Brazil
Laura Upenieks and Ron Levi (with John Hagan of Northwestern University), The Palliative Function of Legality Beliefs on Mental Health
- Gabriel Menard
- Andrew Nevin
- Angelina Grigoryeva
- Chang Lin
- Cinthya Guzman
- Clayton Childress
- Dana Wray
- David Pettinicchio
- Ellen Berrey
- Ethan Fosse
- Fernando A. Calderon Figueroa
- Gordon Brett
- Graduate Student Research
- Ioana Sendroiu
- Irene Boeckmann
- Jean-Francois Nault
- Jeffrey Reitz
- Jerry Flores
- Jordan Foster
- Julia Ingenfeld
- Katelin Albert
- Kim de Laat
- Kim Pernell
- Kristin Plys
- Laila Omar
- Lance Stewart
- Laura Upenieks
- Lawrence Williams
- Lei Chai
- M. Omar Faruque
- Markus Schafer
- Martin Lukk
- Matthew Parbst
- Michelle Pannor Silver
- Miloš Broćić
- Monica Boyd
- Natalia Otto
- Neda Maghbouleh
- Patricia Louie
- Philip Badawy
- Ron Levi
- Sagi Ramaj
- Vanina Leschziner
- Yangsook Kim
- Yvonne Daoleuxay
- Sarah Shah
- Scott Schieman
- Sebastien Parker
- Shawn Perron
- Shyon Baumann
- Soli Dubash
- Tahseen Shams