PhD Alumni 1985-1989

This table includes all of the alumni for whom we have data. If you are one of our alumni or know someone who isn’t listed or is listed incorrectly, please contact the Research Coordinator at

Last Name First Name Year Graduated Employer Position
Abdo-Zubi Nahla 1989 Carleton University Professor
Beamish Robin Barker 1986 Queen's University Associate Professor
Benoit Cecilia Myra 1988 University of Victoria Professor
Boritch Helen 1985 University of Alberta Acting Chair
Bryant Joseph Michael 1987 University of Toronto Professor
Chan Hoi-Man 1989 Chinese University of Hong Kong Associate Professor & Director of Teaching Programme
Chunn Dorothy E G 1986 Simon Fraser University Professor Emerita
Hall Alan 1989 University of Windsor Associate Professor
Hanson Barbara Gail 1987 York University Professor
Helmes-Hayes Richard C 1985 University of Waterloo Professor
Hiscott Robert Dennis 1986 University of Waterloo Retired Professor
Ityavyar Dennis Anongo 1986 INTER-GENDER Director
Jackson Lois Aileen 1988 Dalhousie University Professor, Health Promotion
Keane Carl Ross 1989 Queen's University Assocaite Professor
Koc Mustafa 1989 Ryerson University Professor
Leighton Barry Noel 1986 Carleton University Adjunt Professor
Lenton Rhonda Leona 1989 York University Professor & Vice-President Academic & Provost
Malarkey Robert Lee 1987 Canada College Associate Professor
Martin Michele 1987 Carleton University Professor Emeritus (Retired 2014)
Mcmahon Maeve Winifred 1989 Carleton University Associate Professor
Menzies Robert John 1985 Simon Fraser University Professor Emeritus
Murphy Christopher 1986 Dalhousie University Professor
Neis Barbara Lou Lavrette 1988 Memorial University University Research Professor
O'Connor Julia Sile 1987 University of ULSTER Professor
Reiter Ester 1986 York University Retired Associate Professor
Smandych Russell Charles 1989 University of Manitoba Professor
Vaitkus Steven Anthony 1986 Marianne Weber Institute Scientific Director (1999)
Visano Livy Anthony 1986 York University Professor & Undergraduate Program Director
Wilson Maureen Grace 1986 University of Calgary Professor Emerita