Practicum Annual Conference - PAC - 2021
When and Where
We welcome this opportunity to hear about the exciting research projects of our second-year Ph.D. students!
Papers will be presented the following times on April 7th, 8th and 9th
10:00 AM - 11:50 AM
1:00 PM - 2:10 PM
Zoom information:
Meeting ID: 897 2334 4975
Passcode: E842ft
Below is the schedule for this event:
Critical social policy 10:00am – 11:50am
10:00-10:35 – Mircea Gherghina, “The Green Divide: Wealth, Poverty, and the Unequal Distribution of Green Energy Benefits”; Steve Hoffman, Discussant
10:35-11:10 – Alexa Carson, “A Pressure Release Valve: Long-term Care Policy in South Korea as Complementary—Not Supplementary—to Family Responsibility for Elder Care”; Melissa Milkie, Discussant
11:15-11:50 – Ali Greey, “Boys, Girls, and Everyone Else: Accommodating Gender Diversity in Ontario Public School Board Documents”; Ellen Berrey, Discussant
Precarious work 1:00pm – 2:10pm
1:00-1:35 – Youngrong Lee, “Navigating the Aftermath of Capital Mobility in the Gig Economy: Understanding the impact on Former Foodora Couriers and their resistance in the GTA, Canada”; Yoonkyung Lee, Discussant
1:35-2:10 – Emily Hammond, “Thriving in a Fragmented Workplace: Gender Pathways to Workplace Information and Support in the Gig Economy”; Cynthia Cranford, Discussant
Institutional and interactional processes in crime and law 10:00am – 11:50am
10:00-10:35 – Sitao Li, “Judicial Anxiety: A Symbolic Interactionist Analysis of the Routine Criminal Trials in China”; Gail Super, Discussant
10:35-11:10 – Mitra Mokhtari, “ACAB: All Criminologists Are Bad? The Canadian Criminology Department & The Reproduction of Carcerality”; Akwasi Owusu-Bempah
11:15-11:50 – Jillian Sunderland, “Media Discourse and Elite Boys violence: How Power Structures Shape Attributions of Responsibility”; Jessica Fields, Discussant
Media framings during the COVID crisis 1:00pm-2:10pm
1:00-1:35 – Kyla Simms, “The Meaning of Freedom and Liberty: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Social Movement Appeals in the COVID-19 Anti-Lockdown and Anti-Black Racism Protests”; Judy Taylor, Discussant
1:35-2:10 – Brody Trottier, “Meat, Labour, and Crisis: Ideological Tensions in the COVID-19 Pandemic”; Fedor Dokshin, Discussant
Agency and constraint in social life 10:00am – 11:50am
10:00-10:35 – Pamela Tsui, “Bounded Queerness of Heterosexuality: Gendered Sex Partying in Hong Kong”; Adam Green, Discussant
10:35-11:10 – Soli Dubash, “Measuring agency: Fast or Slow?”; Blair Wheaton, Discussant
11:15-11:50 – Rebecca Lennox, “Doing Crime-Prevention, Doing Gender: An Intersectional Analysis of Women’s Responses to Police-Produced Gendered Crime-Prevention Messaging”; Chris Smith, Discussant
Racial/ethnic boundaries in contemporary Canada 1:00pm – 2:10pm
1:00-1:35 – Jessica Stallone, “’You Must Accommodate to Our Way of Life’: Nativist Logics and the Racialization of Muslim Minority Practices in Canada”; Jeffrey Reitz, Discussant
1:35-2:10 – Jennifer Peruniak, “Refugee Resettlement: Sponsors' Narratives on Private Sponsorship”; Neda Maghbouleh, Discussant